
Oh so many things...

The great thing about Spiritual Gifts (other than their general awesomeness) is that when you are not in the right position with God, they don't "work" (for lack of a better term).

Having the gift of Knowledge, this seems compounded for me as when I am not right with God, my usual metaphysical awareness of the spiritual world around me goes away. That really, really sucks.

Fortunately, now is not one of those times. Recently, things have been great. Its not that I've even done anything special. I've just been praying each day for God to fill me with his Spirit so I can live in a holy manner.

Yesterday Kerri Kightly, the new Director of the Bridge Youth Centre, phoned me and asked if I'd be able to volunteer that night because they were so short staffed. I said no because I had a Junior High planning meeting. The meeting ended at 9:00 however, so I decided to make my way to the Bridge, and brought along 80 timbits with me.

It was so awesome finally being back. One girl that I've known for a long time but never connected with decided to spill her guts to me, an she pretty much told me everything that was going on in her life. The majority of the times I've seen this girl she's been strung out on various combinations of alcohol and drugs... but tonight she was completely sober. She told me that her court case is about to end and that she's doing well in school (her average is 65% and it couldn't make me any happier).

I was so glad to be there, and I could definitely feel God's Spirit working in me, and others... something I haven't felt in a while.

So good.

On another note...

On the way home from work today the front page of the National Post caught my eyes with two disturbing and shocking headlines...

In an unprecedented display of bigotry and racism someone has spraypainted a swastika on a memorial honouring the six million Jews who died in the holocaust. How sick is that?

The second story discussed how the Toronto Board of Directors for the Public Services Commission has temporarily banned the hiring of white males in public service positions in an attempt to create equal opportunity employment for women and visible minorities. Now, I believe sexism and racism are intolerable, but I also believe that the person with the best skills and level of education should be the one to get the job. And if the person with the best skills is a white male, why should he be denied the opportunity simply because he is white and a man?

That's racism too, folks.


Blogger Amber said...

I totally agree Noah-the best person for the job should get it....it's just another form of racism.....it's like it's ok to bad-mouth Christians but it's not ok to bad mouth people of other religions-at least that's been my experience......

5:49 PM  

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