
"Why are you wearing tight pants?"

I was hanging out with my good friend Chris Smith tonight and we walked through the park I ran into some kids from the Bridge. Here's the conversation:

Guy 1: Hey, how's it going? Can you spare some change so I can buy a joint from my friend?
Me: No. (to girl) Hi!
Girl: Why are you wearing...
Me: Pants with ripped knees?
Girl: Yeah, and tight pants.
Me: Cause its so rock and roll.
Girl: You're into that now?
Me: I've always been into that.
Guy 2: Do you smoke the weed?
Me: No. I respect myself.
Guy 2: So, are you saying that if you smoke weed you don't respect yourself?
Me: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Guy 2: That's not cool, why would it be here if we shouldn't smoke it?
Me: Well, there's a lot of things that are here that we shouldn't do...

It continued like this for a while. One of my favourite parts of being at the bridge is exposing the fallacies in the lives of the teens that go there. Smoking weed is stupid. Getting drunk is stupid. When you do these things, you are being stupid and disrespecting yourself. They don't like hearing this, especially when their subculture focuses on issues of "respect." To accuse someone of having no respect for themself is tantamount to calling them an uncool loser.

Not that I intend to break the kids down... I'm there to show them what respect really is.

And by the way... I really like my tight pants.


Blogger Jerry said...

Noah: Do you wear tight pants?
Me: No. I respect myself.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerry's post was funny, but in all seriousness i have something to show you that isn't funny. I have a picture. Im going to email you it because i want you to see it noah. Remember who you are. If i can encourage you with one thing, you have came a long way. I didn't realize how far you actually came, but now i do (part of it anyways). Its scary isn't it? I used to be involved with the stuff discussed in this blog here of yours: drinking, drugs etc.
But we have both had our struggles in different areas, and im proud of you.

11:05 AM  

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