
One of those survey things

Steve Bremner asked me to fill this out. Here you go.

Seven things to do before I die:

1. Go on a long term missions trip
2. Lead people to Christ
3. Get married
4. Have kids
5. Adopt a kid from a foreign country
6. Have one of my poems published in a reputable Journal
7. Teach people

Seven things I cannot do:

1. Snap my fingers
2. Write an essay more than 2 days before it is due
3. Show up to my Modern Poetry lecture on time
4. Live up to God's expectations of me
5. Listen to Britney Spears for more than 5 minutes
6. Believe in doctrines that are not in the Bible
7. Eat Tim Horton's Shepherd's Pie

Things that attract me to the opposite gender:
1. Attractiveness
2. Godliness
3. Knowledge of God
4. Sense of humour (brutal sarcasm)
5. Ability to put up with my eccentricities
6. Loves poetry
7. Stands up for the truth.

Seven things I say most often:
1. "Would you like to know a secret? It's soooo good to hear it!"
2. [sings] "Hands in my pockets!
Hands in my pockets! Hands in my pockets!"
3. "Hello, welcome to Tim Horton's, how can we help you?"
4. "Will that be everything?"
5. "Sucks to your Ass-mar!"
6. [insert random Aaron Weiss quotation here]
7. "he-he-he-he-he" [ominous laughter]

Seven books (or authors) I love:
1. The Bible, by God
2. Spring and All, by William Carlos Williams
3. Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller
4. Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis
5. Collected Poems 1909-1962, by T. S. Eliot
6. Riddley Walker, by Russell Hoban
7. Oxford English Dictionary (I'm serious!)

Seven movies I would watch over and over again:
1. Star Wars Trilogy (The old one)
2. Drop Dead Fred
3. Forrest Gump
4. Back to the Future Trilogy
5. Bowling for Columbine
6. Terminator II: Judgement Day
7. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Seven CD's I couldn't part with:

1. Pedro the Lion- Control
2. 16 Horsepower- Folklore
3. Tourniquet- Microscopic View of a Telescopic Realm
4. Suffering and the Hideous Thieves- Rats in Heaven
5. Project 86-Songs to Burn Your Bridges By
6. Further Seems Forever- How to Start a Fire
7. mewithoutYou- Catch For Us the Foxes

Seven favorite worship songs/hymns:
1. Blessed Be Your Name
2. In Christ Alone
3. He Reigns
4. Angels Fall Down (By Skillet)
5. Holiness
6. Nothing But the Blood of Jesus
7. There is a Fountain Filled With Blood


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