
Strange Dreams (and rekindling of past loves)

Listening to: Matthew Good- We're So Heavy

Taking a cue from Amber, I had the craziest dream last night. Here it is:

I'm on the Trent Express, which for some reason, now has a stop just outside the hospital. At that stop over a hundred people get out. There's this Indian girl sitting beside me (who looks strangely familiar to the Indian girl I saw at Dreams and Beans on Tuesday night), and she sees that I am reading T. S. Eliot's Collected Poems (which I was also doing on Tuesday night). She tells me that T. S. Eliot is her favouite author, and asks if she can read "The Hollow Men." However, my book decides to act like a cd that is all scratched up, and every time I turn to the right page if flips itself ten pages later. Gah! Anyway, the Indian girl and I start to flirt pretty explicitly (but nothing inappropriate people, I did say "flirt" and not "make-out") and then...

My mom wakes me up and informs me that I have 10 minutes to get to work. Gah!
Oh well, I have a feeling that its good my dream was interrupted...

I've been listening to tons of Matt Good lately, and remembering why he was my favourite musician in grade 10. I think he's a schizophrenic. His first solo album, Avalanche, was all sorts of long, pretty ballads with an orchestra and choral vocals. His next album, White Light Rock & Roll Review is all loud rock songs. Its really funny listening to them back-to-back. Oh well, at least he refuses to stick to one formula.

Insert a prayer.
Feel the glow.


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