
tying knots

Yesterday I received an invitation to Todd Anderson and Heather Yoshiki's marriage. I'm looking forward to it... Last week I went to Mark and Christy's wedding.

I've reached that point in my life when all my friends, their dysfunctional parents and their dogs are getting married. Frequently. Damn, I'll have at least three a year for the next three years. Damn twentysomethingness. Damn. Damn. Damn.

My parents seriously believe that I will never get married. Being too, um, anal or obsessive and perfectionist like. Being a jolly-old son I value their opinions and ideas. Dear God, I hope they're wrong. And I need to work on those somewhat unattractive qualities.

As it stands I'm going to avoid being attracted to women for a while. I could go all spiritual and call it a "fast" of some sort, but really, i just need a break. I tend to focus to much energy on that sort of thing, so for a while it will be all God and ministry at TCF (which, although this is summer, is not really on hiatus at all).

Today I am having brunch with Megs, whom I haven't seen in a while. On Friday I am having breakfast with Kate Kendrick, a long-lost friend.

Let's GO.


Blogger Amber said...

Remember the LAST time you decided to go on a "fast" from women? I'm not saying it's a bad idea or anything...Ijust mean that you really can't make those choices....entirely for yourself anyway unless God agrees. Take life as it comes. If it's supposed to happen it will...provided you're open to God's will, which I know you are. Anyway, I have to go mow the lawn and get my tire fixed and then see if I am needed at work and then drive to Peterborough...whew. Long crazy day!

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to be on your list of people to have breakfast or lunch or something with!! I would love to have you over for breakfast sometime -- email me thejuicer280 AT gmail.com or hit me up somehow! I can't believe I haven't seen you at all this summer -- it's half over, man!
Heather xox

8:08 PM  

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