
(thinking and wondering) what I'm gonna do

I am sitting in a clean house. I just cleaned it so that when mes parents come home they can sit around and do nothing. In the next few days this is what I'm gonna do:
  1. Go to work.
  2. Figure out which history class I'm going to take next year.
  3. Register for all my classes tomorrow at 8:30 am because I have 16 credits (na-na!)
  4. Have coffee with Miss Katherine Pammett.
  5. Give Mr. Christopher Micheal Smith his hat back (that's not a typo btw)
  6. Contact Mr. Jerry Bolton because I haven't talked to him in 3 weeks.
  7. Do the same with Miss Meaghan Culkeen (for the same reason).
  8. Listen to a lot of King's X. Most likely put the song "A Box" on repeat for 3 hours. Well, maybe not that long.
  9. Maybe I should sleep too.
Right now I am going to go read my bible, and then go to bed at 1:00pm so I can sleep before working all night again. The joys of summer.

You know I miss you.


Blogger Daudi said...

You should take HIST 225 with me and Hansen. Fun times.

6:24 PM  
Blogger shine.is.dead said...

I have to take a 300 level class

6:56 AM  
Blogger Daudi said...

Bah. Humbug.

10:23 AM  

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