
maggots fill the minds of unbelievvvvaaaaaarrrs!!!!


I received my copy of Mortification- Scrolls of the Megilloth today. AWESOME JESUS DEATH METAL!!!

Many know ol' Morty as one of the most influential early Christian metal bands... this album itself was even influential outside the Christian market. Check out Jayson Sherlock's drum skills! (Y'know, the guy who invented Christian black metal to the chagrin of everyone!)

Morty is also known because they eventually became very cheesy. Now I know why... Steve Rowe is now the lone original member of Morty, and on this, their greatest album, he only wrote 4 songs out of 10! They are sweet too. So are the ones by the other 2 members... I think the fact that Steve writes ALL the songs now has led to the drop in quality of their music, just because it is hard to write 10 good songs for an album (I couldn't do it).

Plus now Morty is of the "power metal" persuasion.... I prefer brutal DEATH METAL. This album makes me grin ear to ear. God bless you Steve, Jayson and Michael for creating one of the greatest Jesus Christ metal records of all time!


Blogger Jerry said...

August Burns Red.

Get you some. <3

4:42 PM  

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