
Raining Chunks of Bloody Ice

Listening to: Alice Cooper- School's Out On a big Alice binge. "We got no class, we got not principles, we got no innocence, we can't even think of a word that rhymes." I think Alice's intelligent and witty lyrics are often overlooked because of who he is. Do yourself a favour. Go buy an Alice Cooper album. Today.

Yeah, so got called into work today...After had lunch and coffee with Rachel. Super fun. Got stuck in Taco Bell for an hour do to crazy weather. We're talkin' pouring rain and BIG hail that doesn't melt. And hurts. Alot.

Had a great conversation with one of my old powerhouse students last night on MSN. Wow, man. Ministering to young people, even when it's frustrating, gives me a ridiculous amount of joy. I've been happy all day. This is something I've missed the past month I haven't been able to do it. I'm looking forward to developing closer relationships with some of the Bridge kids. This is something I NEED to do. It's like, my purpose is not truly being fulfilled when I'm not ministering to teens on a regular basis. Dude.

Yeah. You have fun now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion from personal experience Noah...

don't refer to the youth at the bridge as the following: youth, or kids. Etc.

I hated it and i know they do too. If you call them youth or "bridge kids", there is a separation. They will see your title more as "authority" and "staff". know what i mean? IT SUCKS! -> thankfully being 22 im not a youth anymore, don't go to the bridge and don't have to hear those titles. *yay!*

12:49 PM  

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