
We will weave our hands together, forever 'round the throne.

Greetings from the University of Trent (again).

So last week, on Wednesday, I ordered the album "Consider the Birds" by Wovenhand. And it arrived yesterday, exactly one week from the time of order. What service.

Christians need to be united. There needs to be "unity in the Body of Christ," if we are to accomplsih anything in this world. I don't think Christians really get what unity actually means though. To many North American believers "unity in the body" means focusing on God's love and grace, any not mentioning (or caring) about things that are "divisive."

Do you baptize with sprinkling or immersion? Who cares!
Are you a Calvinist or an Arminian? It doesn't matter!
Do you believe in cessationism of continuationism? What the crap are those?!
Should women preach in the church or should only men do that? Well, I guess it depends on where you go!

Hey, as long as we "love" each other, and don't cause "division" we're doing God's will right?

Despite the way we (including me) act, God does care about doctrine. He wants us to have correct doctrine. A friend of mine frustratedly asked in my general direction last week, "How do you know what correct doctrine is?" My unvoiced answer: "Because that's what the Bible says" Ah, but can't we all interpret the Bible in may different ways? The pharisees accused Jesus of being a demon and casting out demons. He replied "How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand." (Mark 3:23, NIV) This indeed applies to the kingdom of God. How can the kingdom of God stand if it's people disagree on the nature of God's salvation? It cannot.

Jesus prayed that his disciples would be united as one, and he said: "Sanctify them by your truth; your word is truth." (John 17:17, NIV) How can the church be sanctified in truth if different factions of the church interpret the scriptures in diametrically opposing ways. People use the same verses to attempt to prove cessationism and continuationism, eternal security, and the loss of salvation, and many other opposing doctrines.

Should we, the church, therefore ignore these differences in the name of unity?
Do we not realize that these differences are the cause of our disunity?

God is consistent, he does not change. God's word is truth. Apply it as you will, but I guarantee you, there is only one correct interpretation of any given passage. Am I going to be so bold as to say that my interpretations are the correct ones? No. I find it difficult to understand God. There have been times in my life where I have shifted back and forth between these doctrines. I do not claim that my knowledge is perfect or always right, and it will not be until Christ returns and all is made perfect.

But, what I will say, is that the body of Christ must be united, behind solid biblical exegesis, behind a thoroughly orthodox view of the scriptures, in submission to God, truly fearing him, truly seeking his wisdom, knowing that we will be held accountable for leading anyone astray. God cares about doctrine. If he didn't he wouldn't have filled half the New Testament with lettters correcting errant doctrines. God wants us to beleive his word. That is the first step to unity.

We must be united in truth before we can be united in love, for a love of God's truth brings about a true love for his people. If we are united in truth, nothing will be able to separate us... our love for each other in the truth of God will keep us together. And then we will shine the light of God's glory.

Preaching the truth found in the word of God creates worldly division, but it also creates Biblical unity. I pray that I will always preach the truth of the word of God, with humility and reverance.


Blogger Jerry said...


these are the kinds of things I have no problem saying in person or writing a paper about... but I seem inable to blog such grandoise blogs.

noah... you da bestest.

11:24 PM  

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