
No less days to sing God's praise

Listening to: Suffering and the Hideous Thieves- Amazing Grace The prettiest version of this sng I've ever heard... and it's the whole song, every verse.

Yesterday at church we had 6 university age visitors, three from KLBC, three from Trent.

Sarah (MacDonald) discussed our work with Bon Samaritan. (I am part of the fundraising committee). She mentioned that Pierre (The Haitian President of Bon Samaritan) is saving money to build a High School, that would be Christian based, and would supply free education to poor teens living in the villages surrounding it. Most Haitian teens can't afford to go to school, and those that can often have to tavel hours to get there.

When she said this I literally had to gasp for air and I almost fell out of my chair, and I had goosebumps all over my body. I realized that I could teach at this school, and thus be fulfilling every one of my current life goals (teach, preach, work with languages) without needing any more education. I would need to learn French fluently however. In any case, I'm pretty excited about this prospect, and I need to pray about it lots.

After church We went to the zoo with the KLBCers, and Kim and I had an excellent conversation with Kim about the Bon Samaritan presentation. Pretty much her response was exactly the same as mine. We decided to learn French together, as she has a bunch of french language texts that were written specifically for Christian missionaries. How convenient is that?

Hopefully the missionary trip for January will work out.

Speaking of that, we have a FUNDRAISING COFFEE HOUSE that will occur sometime in NOVEMBER. If you would like to PERFORM, VOLUNTEER or DONATE ART, please contact me. (Block caps for emphasis, not shouts).

Anyway, that was Sunday.

Now its time to read more poetry.


Blogger Jerry said...

You've been hit by the BLOG BOTS!

8:29 PM  
Blogger CJH said...

blog spam rules.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Shannon. said...

Hey noah...I would like to donate ART, if not VOLUNTEER, at this fundraising coffeehouse. I can donate big, nice art. which I need to go work on...now.

11:26 AM  

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