
Why can't I get just one...

Listening to: Violent Femmes- Blister in the Sun Hey girls, wanna know what's goingg on in the mind of all those geeky unpopular guys you made fun of in high school? Buy the Violent Femmes debut album. Be warned: the content is explicit, and there are expletives. Of course, most of Gano's frustration came from the fact that he was a Christian who knew that his lust was damaging to him... but he was a hormone-ridden teenager after all. By the way, everyone has heard this song before. Oh yes you have. You just don't know it.

Just got back from a lecture by Joe Boot of Ravi Zacharias ministries. Pretty solid stuff. I bought his book, so I guess my haircut'll have to wait another week.

I have exactly 500 words left to write for my last essay, for my last class, for my last day of second year university.

I'm gonna take "Modern languages 100" in the summer session this year. I'm going to get an "emphasis in Linguistics." I am also considering getting a Master of Linguistics and going into Bible translation.

Pray for me in this.

Anyway. Time to write those 500 words.


Blogger Todd said...

Linguistics is like a morning sunrise in the genesis of spring; simply awesome. I'm praying.

2:58 AM  
Blogger Shannon. said...

word, dear noah. i come home in a week. lets have pizza. i got two new piercings. guess where.

3:31 AM  
Blogger Shannon. said...

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3:31 AM  
Blogger Jerry said...

I hate having two VERY FULL weeks of school left... I also hate having 2/3 of my reading left to do. Sigh. Time for a sabbatical from life.

3:15 PM  

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