
t.s. eliot, starbucks and profound experiences of worship

went to chapter's to find the collected poems of t.s. eliot 1909-1962. got a ride from my parents arrived an hour too early, went to starbucks had a tall
coffee and a low fat blueberry muffin and i see the people coming in with their tired old routine. they move me

oh God, you're glorious
so profoundly glorious.
these people oh, they do not know you please touch them
save them from searching for what they'll never find without your Spirit

young family comes in two boys in their pajamas
and baby blue with little animals

"your son seems fascinated by me"
keeps offering me his chocolate covered cookie and rubbing it all over his face
and his eyes are just like his daddy's one's so innocent and the other weathered thinking about if he's a good father
if his kids are okay, if they'll eveer get married why he doesn't have a daughter
and if he loves his wife

Christ, will these little ones be in your "celestial family?"
I certainly hope so

chapter's opens make my way to the poetry section and find him with the help of a nice assistant

eliot cost me 27 dollars
but it was worth every penny
to read about the waste land he described so eloquently
it's where i live
september is the cruellest of months
yes the cruellest of months
when all the young ones come back to drink their beer and fill their heads with useless knowledge
and I'll partake knowing that all i need to know is you
christ, if you want to come down and take me with you
then I'll glady come i'll be like enoch and never die
before I go home
but if you don't want me yet that's ok
cause you're a whole lot smarter than me and you know exactly where you want me to be
and I'll wait here for you to take me and i'll tell all the people that they can know you
but just not hold you
yet; I'll gladly wait my turn
for you


Blogger Jerry said...

Some of the best you've ever written.

At least, until you started ripping on AJW. :(


7:16 PM  

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