

I'm contemplating applying to take English 402: Honours Thesis. This course pretty much involves spending a whole year writing a really long essay (50+ pages) on a topic of your choosing.

I'm thinking of comparing the poetics of William Carlos Williams and T. S. Eliot and discussing their differing views of what it means to be "modern" and how that "should" be manifested in prosody.

Anyway, It would involve tons of work and failing the course would mean effectively failing my honours degree (as this course would count as two of the three fourth year classes I need). So, it would be hard, but it would also more effectively prepare me for getting a Master's Degree (which almost invariably include writing a thesis). Plus, my thesis would be bound and permanently placed in the Trent University Library, for the perusal of future English students. Sounds fun.

(PS: I'll take that as a sign and won't press the issue any further).


Blogger Jerry said...

The fun things are often the things that bite the hand that feeds.

3:10 PM  

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