
make me slubtalk


So it's March, and March always leads to a distinct lack of updationating. I got my hair cut today. I finished my Modern Poetry essay. Con-Ed is no more so I am happy.

All of Matt Good's concert dates that are close enough to attend are sold out and that makes me sad.

Today I bought the book "un" by Dennis Lee. I got it at Books 'n' Things used for $8. This is great because I kept looking at it at the Trent bookstore on a weekly basis, reading it through without buying it. When I actually decided to go to it, all the copies were gone. And today I found it. "Un" is a book that joyously experiments with language in spite of its dour subject matter (the destruction of the environment). It stands on the same level of creativity and uniqueness as Christian Bok's "Eunoia." There is no other book like it, and there never could be. I almost feel ashamed that I bought it used instead of supporting the poet by purchasing it new. I will have to rectify this by ordering all his other books from his publisher. (As a side note, Lee writes lots of children's poetry including the famous "Alligator Pie.")

I haven't written a poem in almost a month. Oddly, I'm quite okay with this, as the last poem I wrote, "he(braic)syllabic," still excites me. All my energy has gone to my Modern Poetry essay, which I may post later.


Blogger .letting go said...

you lucky son of a pup. I've also been looking for a copy of 'un'. I want to read it on my show soon.

If I'm real nice and bat my eyelashes will you lend it sometime?
In the meantime... my search continues.

6:02 PM  
Blogger shine.is.dead said...

I've got an idea:

I'll come on your show and we can read "un" together... and I can read some of my "response to 'un'" poems... and some of my other poems.

It'll be untastic.

6:18 PM  

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