
you got yer eggnog in ma goat's milk!

Warning: preceding information is entirely irrelevant to the meaning of this post.

Listening to: Aphex Twin- 54 cymrv beats Aphex Twin: inspiring and confounding music lovers since 1989!

Lots of good stuff recently. School is almost over so I am in that transitional area where I am not yet working full time and I no longer have classes, aka the University student's 2 week summer... so I am whoring it out like any good 23 year old would.

This week I had lots of fun... impromptu Breakfast with Chris Jardin and Jerry Bolton, applying for the coveted (HA!) position of supervisor at Timmy Ho's, going to the 'Shwa with Bolton, Steven and Rachie (and sorry that Shane couldn't make it). Also some good readin' and a bit of studyin' to keep it all mildly formal.

While in the 'Shwa I picked up a book by Mark Driscoll, who is a mentor of sorts, entitled "Confessions of a Reformission Rev." This basically chronicles the development of the Mars Hill Seattle church. Considering I am a mad fanboy I've heard most of this before in sermons, etc. but it's nice to get it all in one place. Mark is pretty blunt, and the book has already pounded me upside the head like a large brick a couple of times.

Tomorrow is the dreaded Historical Linguistics exam. I hate this lots... mostly because I entirely ignored this class the whole semester.

In other news I am going to purposefully and consciously cut down on the music I buy... I am addicted to buying new music and I spend way too much money on cds. I am going to do this by progressively limiting both my time looking for music and the amount of music I buy. This is officially starting tomorrow, and will begin as a weekly thing (e.g. I am only allowed to look for / purchase music on a weekly basis) which doesn't sound like a lot, but is significant to me.

Also I will try to cut down on cds purchased at a time on trips... so no more buying 8 cds at Sonic Boom in Toronto when I visit it the 4-6 odd times a year. Instead I will make a specific list and stick to it, limiting those trips to only 2-3 cds, which again, would be a lot to others, but to a cd junkie like myself this is a drastic reduction. Hopefully this will have two effects, first, I will have more money for other things because I am spending less, and second, the music I do buy will be of a consistently higher quality because it will be more deliberated upon.

Anyway, that's the news from me! Also, Rachel and I will be at 6 months on Monday, which isn't really all that long, but is still significant. We'll be havin' some nice eats that night.

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