
What an easy way to break the ice.

Listening to: Nothing. I believe in silence...
So yesterday I was sitting around at 10:30 waiting for Sarah to phone me, and the only sound I heard was the soft gurgle of my air conditioner...I reflected over the past two weeks and realized that the only thing I've thought about at all is music... to avoid the thoughts of everything else.
When I was at Tim Horton's...When I was sleeping in my warm bed, there was a flood outside that destroyed all the downtown shops. And there were homeless people (some of whom I know personally) who were indeed out there, in that storm, as I slept quietly. Affluence is a blessing and a curse.
The reason why Sarah and I are friends is, so that, hopefully, I can help her know Jesus Christ. That's it. The only reason. And as it stands I have no reason to selfishly hope that I know her for any other reason. Because, reflecting upon my feelings is suicidal as my feelings are biased, self-centred, and in all fact, quite irrelevant unless the Lord himself has put them there. And he hasn't put the ones I like to reflect on most there.
Anything I do, or anything I say to Sarah...on anything she sees coming from me that does not help her know Christ better, and does not reflect the character of Christ in me is sinful. Because, not only does it not glorify God, but it actually hinders her knowledge of Christ as opposed to helping her to know him. And screwing everyone over like that is something I'm way too good at considering I love my own self-seeking desires more than I love God or my neighbour.
Even this blog is self-centred. To think that people would actually want to read about my life, and perhaps gain some insight from me.


Blogger Jerry said...

and that my friend, is blogging at it's finest.

11:38 PM  
Blogger .letting go said...

It's interesting to read about you, it helps and convicts me. Don't knock it.

12:28 AM  

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