
The Best and Worst of the 2004-2005 Academic Year

Listening to: Violent Femmes- Look Like That The last time I bought three cds by one artist in three days it was 16 Horsepower, and we all know how much I love them. VF is awesome.

Self explanatory, the best and worst of this school year.

THE BEST (in no particular order):
  • Sarah becoming a Christian
  • Discovering linguistics
  • Meeting new friends: Amber, Robbie, Daniel, etc.
  • Leading an awesome small group
  • Getting an honour roll average (so far...)
  • New Church: Riverside Community Church
  • Getting in contact with my biological Dad again
  • Discovering new awesome music (as always)
  • Upcoming Underoath and The Chariot concert
  • Receiving a FREE John MacArthur Study Bible
  • Borrowing Jerry's theology textbook for more time than he has even seen it
  • Doing well on 3000 word essays
  • Receiving $7000.00 for free...
THE WORST (in a kind of particular order):
  • Breaking my promise with myself to not date anyone
  • An ill-fated relationship with an otherwise nice girl. (Sorry to you)
  • An even more ill-fated relationship with another nice girl. (It was an interesting 5 minutes, I must confess...)
  • My computer breaking in every possible way
  • all-nighters
  • Girl troubles (up my ass, as Gordon Gano would say)
  • Lack of knowledge (for which God's people are destroyed...)
Hmm... That's all I can think of for now. Overall, the past eight months have been swell. Here's to an awesome 4-month summer(ish) period containing much work and linguistics.

Keep rocking. And read your bible. "People should be pissed off by lack of knowledge"- GG (Hosea 4:6)


Blogger Amber said...

I don't know Noah...I don't think "relationship" is quite the right word for those 5 minutes....I'd call it more a...."Moment lacking insight and better judgement" though the look on your face was priceless. :) No hard feelings either way thankfully. Here's to smarter decisions in the next year eh?

1:48 PM  
Blogger Jerry said...

"Up your ass" is right, Noah.

I've got your back. No more women.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY! Whats wrong with making wrong decisions once in a while? We learn from our mistakes... hindsight is awesome, we can look back and not make those same mistakes in the future.
OH! I talked to sarah... she's awesome. she didn't realize people actually read your blogs. I have never seen someones face go so red before lol

8:07 AM  

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