
The Concert, the Bridge, and the true meaning of "Beauty."

Listening to: Fear Before the March of Flames- Hey Kid. I'm A Computer. Stop All the Downloading. Good album. But I'm getting freaking sick of short albums. I know, I know, "quality v. quantity," but there are tons of bands that release stellar records of 40+ minutes. This is the third album that I have purchased in the past three months that is less than 30(!) minutes long. I have eps longer than this record. I have single SONGS longer than this record...

Ok. Concert review:
(Oh yeah, for those of you who don't care about hardcore shows, there is stuff after the review, feel free to skip ahead.)

Fear Before the March of Flames: This band opened the set. They were extremely energetic and got the crowd excited. They played about 25+ minutes, with songs from both records. The standout was the live rendition of "Should have Stayed in the Shallows" that was even slower than the album version, slowing the mid-section to doom territory. Off the strength of their set I bought the album Art Damage. Only complaint was that the clean vocals were way too low in the mix.

These Arms Are Snakes: These guys are awesome live. The crowd went insane. They played about thirty minutes. I am sad that their album has a naked woman in their album sleeve. I would totally buy their record, except I frankly don't want "art" like that in my possession. However I would definitely pay to see them live again.

The Chariot: Jerry and I went to the mosh pit. We led a chant of "Cha! Cha! Chariot!" The band exploded. Josh swung his mike stand around his head. The guitarists flailed. Within 30 seconds I was at least ten feet from Jerry. I also got kicked in the head and knocked to the floor, but the crowd was awesome and I was picked up within seconds of landing. They only played for 16 minutes, and only payed 6 songs. But then again they only have a 10 song 27 minute album. The intensity of that 16 minutes matched and / or exceeded the other bands' 20+ minute sets. Awesome. Got a cool camo t-Shirt and the DVD. "This pistol is my ministry....YEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!"

Underoath: The headliner. They played for 50+ minutes, with awesome renditions of about half their new album, plus a new 7+ minute song and a really old 10+ minute song. I totally didn't expect the old song. The crowd was ridiculous during this set. At any given time there was at least 3+ audience members on the stage, giving the band members hugs, singing along, and stage-diving. I have never seen anyone CANNONBALL into the crowd before this show. WHAT?! I swear, some of the fans were out to kill the other ones. Sick. Their set got cut short due to a ridiculous club curfew of 8:00pm(!) We don't want to cut into the club dancers time now do we? Oh well, it rocked anyway. The vocals were too low in the mix though. Got a cool t-shirt.

Other Stuff:
At the Bridge on Saturday I met a cool girl (who will remain nameless for the sake of confidence). She is suicidal, and Mike Vyn and I spent a good two hours talking to her about the value of human life, and telling her how God created her with a purpose. I think she's not used to people telling her that she is valuable and important. Anyway, Pray for her. Pray that she will be able to come back to the Bridge. (She lives in Campbellford). Also pray that the seeds that we planted will not be snatched up by Satan. He has no right to her. This girl needs to know Jesus. Pray for her salvation.

I showed her this passage (I think we all must be reminded that all human life is sacred at times):

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there were none of them.
(Psalm 139: 13-16, English Standard Version.)

Society sucks we are told that human beauty is based upon our physical appearance. People who are not the exact body type that our society deems attractive are constantly left feeling that they are ugly, inadequate, and will never have a relationship. (Trust we, I have been there). I wish people would realize that beauty does not come from our physical appearance, but from the fact that God has designed us with a purpose, and that we are created in his likeness. Everyone is beautiful.

I hate the fact that I have been brainwashed into thinking that only a certain body type on a girl is attractive. I am still working to destroy this lie that I have been fed. Of course, Sarah has made this easier. She is not at all "society's ideal," however, her kind gentle spirit, her loving nature, and her love of Jesus makes her one of the most beutiful girls I have ever met, emotionally and physically. (Because the two are joined).

Challenge yourself, along with me, to see everyone as a beautiful, unique, and valuable creation of God.

Oh yeah, also check out some killer hardcore shows.


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