

I bought a book today that I assumed I was going to hate.

You see, I have become rather fascinated by what is unofficially known as "The Emerging Church" and, under its official title, the "Emergent." (Technically these are different things despite being so similar in name).

This movement contains both positive and negative elements and is difficult to contextualize. For example, my exposure to the Emerging Church began with Mark Driscoll, one of its founders, who is now one of the foremost critics of others within the movement. The above linked article is a decent overview but has its flaws.

I have heard that the Emerging Churches are saving Christianity... I have also heard that they are heretical neo-liberals. But wait, Mark Driscoll is highly conservative in his theology. Get it? Hard to pin down.

There's this guy named Rob Bell who is really important in the "Emergent Village," the apparently more liberal minded "official" stream of Emerging Churches. He wrote this book called "Velvet Elvis." Some people love it, others, including most of my friends of the reformed persuasion think that it is heretical trash.

Of course, if there is one thing that I have learned in university it is that I have to critically analyze texts for myself. And if there is one thing I've learned in the bible it is that I have to test all things and hold on to the good.

With this in mind I can honestly say that I am led by the Spirit of God to read this book, so I bought it... It's hard for me to really explain, but the only thing I've been able to think about in my devotions lately is this book. I wake up and the front cover is in my mind. It's the only thing I've been able to think about, "I must read this book."

I'm surprised, challenged, thoughtful. Two chapters in and it has me on my toes, it in one hand the bible in the other. A lot of what it has to say is valid and worth consideration, and some of it is postmodern questioning for the sake of asking questions. It's not all heresy, but I'd have to say that some of the ideas presented are heretical. So I'm going to hold on to the good and reject the bad. I don't hate it... I don't love it either.

Expect more thoughts later.

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Blogger Jerry said...



(or something)

8:35 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

I would also highly recommend SexGod by the same author.

6:49 PM  

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