
The word "Christian" was initially a noun, not an adjective.

Listening to: Further Seems Forever- Light Up Ahead This band deserves your repect and admiration. And your money. Buy their new album "Hide Nothing." Honestly, if FSF can hold onto a singer for more than one album, I hope it's Jon Bunch, he adds so much soul to this band it makes me want to cry. (I'm so emo...sniff...)

The word "Christian" is derived from the greek word Christianos, which translates to "follower of Christ." It appears three times in the bible (twice in Acts, once in 1 Peter) and it was initially a derogative term used by non-Christians to insult Christians.

The word "Christian" is a noun. For example, "I am a Christian," or, "John MacArthur is a Christian." However, the meaning of the word has been modified in modern english so that it can be an adjective as well. For example "Johnny attends a Christian school," or, much to my dismay, "Noah listens to Christian music."

It is this latter example that I am upset with. You see, in the modern evangelical subculture, the word "Christian" has become an adjective used to describe what is acceptable, especially in terms of musical entertainment. It has become "Christian" music versus "secular" music, and whatever is popular in the secular realm is copied and used as well in the Christian realm.

But is there a "secular" and "Christian" realm?

Music by it's very nature is amoral, it contains nothing in and of itself that is either "good" or "evil." Music is sounds, and there is not one sound in the bible that God forbids as evil, indeed God calls all things in his creation good, because he himself created them, and God cannot create something "evil."

So when the argument of "Christian" versus "secular" stops there, there really isn't an argument at all. It would be ridiculous to argue that Christians can't listen to a certain type of music (be it Heavy Metal, Rock and Roll, or classical, which all, by the way, have been forbidden by the church at one time in history) simply because of the way it sounds. Sound is sound, it certainly effects our emotions and how we feel, but it cannot be evil or good, to argue that certain sounds are evil would be to argue that part of God's perfect creation is evil, and frankly, I wouldn't want to be on the losing side of that argument on judgement day.

Now of course, this is not where the "secular" versus "Christian" argument ends. Most popular music these days is based on the tradtion of lyric poetry. This is where we get the term "lyrics" for the words in a song. Lyric poetry was poetry set to music. This is modern popular music.

Not since I have established that music cannot be "evil" based on how it sounds, could it be argued that music can be evil based on what the words are?

This is where my argument becomes subjective. Words are influential, especially when set to music. Also, the bible makes it clear that as a Christian I am to be "in" the world, but not "of" the world.

Can I be "in" and not "of" the world, and still be entertained by music that is not "Christian?"


As I have already established, everything God has created is good. That includes humans, though, as a race, we have fallen. Now, is it possible for a fallen human, who is living sinfully, to create entertainment that is "good," moral, intelligent, and what not?

Of course.

Go back to Genesis 1:

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." (NKJV, emphasis added)

We are created in the image of God. We are intelligent, because God made us that way. We can feel love, joy, sorrow, anger, and every other emotion because God made us that way. And we can, everyone can, create beautiful artwork that is entertaining, stimulating and socially concious, regardless about what we believe about God.

Now, clearly, any artwork created by men, and that includes paintings, poetry, a classical symphony and the fastest black metal song, is tainted by our fallen nature.

That's why John Milton could write the beautiful epic Paradise Lost, and the doctrinally heretical treatise On Christian Doctrine.

That's why Leonardo DaVinci could paint a beautiful depiction of the Last Supper, yet not believe the Gospel

That's why the author of the beautiful hymn Amazing Grace could be involved in the slave trade.

That's why modern rock musicians including bands like Anthrax, Pearl Jam and many others can write stirring anthemic songs capable of moving a huge crowd for positive social reform, yet can also extol drunkeness and abortion.

That's why there are so many Christian artists who create amazing ispirational songs of faith and then commit adultery or some other public sin, and ruin it all.

Jesus Christ is not a slogan, a t-shirt, a song or anything like that, he is a man, he is God, he is my saviour. A Christian is someone who follows Christ, not a trend, not part of a subculture.

Knowing that all people are created in the image of God, and knowing that all people can create beautiful artwork, much like their creator created this beautiful world, I will enjoy and appreciate beautiful songs, paintings, poetry and plays, thanking my Lord Jesus for the amazing opportunity. I will also remain aware of the fact that all things are corrupted by our fallen nature, and will therefore exercise this gift with discernment.

I know that this is pretty long. I was inspired by the comments posted by Jerry and Kelly based on my entry a couple days ago. I love both of you a lot.

Hey Kelly, thanks for your interest and posts throughout the past few months, give me a call, we'll get together.

Have fun.

(Note: I listened to "Hide Nothing" by FSF twice through while typing this.


Blogger Jerry said...

I skimmed it... and wondered if you'd been plagiarizing my previous collected works.

Nvertheless - INFIDEL!

1:22 AM  

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